Mar 8, 2023 9:51:47 AM | Partnerships TriMetis & ISENET Partner to Automate FFPE Tissue Coring For NGS

Learn how TriMetis & ISENET are revolutionizing research & diagnostics with cutting-edge robotic & AI technology to automate FFPE tissue coring for NGS

Partners in Revolutionary Innovations

TriMetis Life Sciences, a tissue technology company, and ISENET, a leading biomedical instrument design and manufacturing company, have announced an exciting new partnership to offer an automated tissue coring system that will revolutionize genomic profiling services.

The new system will be developed based on TriMetis’ TCAP tumor density AI analysis, allowing for the automation of tissue profiling services. Instead of having technicians cut unstained FFPE tissue sections and scrape tumor tissue with razor blades, the system will utilize TCAP AI tumor maps to automatically core FFPE blocks and deposit the tumor tissue in tubes ready for DNA or RNA isolation. TriMetis delivers automated quality control applications through its ARCH Ecosystem, including the ARCH Marketplace and ARCH LabFlow cloud-based software platforms, providing researchers, diagnostic and therapeutic developers, pathology and molecular profiling laboratories, and biobanks of any size access to AI applications specifically developed for their needs.

ISENET, with 27 years of experience in biomedical instrument design and manufacturing, has produced instruments for manual punching, semi-automatic, and computer-driven fully automatic Tissue Microarray Systems. The Galileo TMA CK4600, ISENET's most cutting-edge automatic tissue punching system, is essential in the research and development of the world's most promising cancer therapeutics.

TriMetis' TCAP quality control applications offer a new standard for identifying and streamlining specimen selection, segmentation, grading, and cellular identification, making the process hands-free and completely automated. The web-delivered applications allow users to run AI apps to identify areas of interest and the highest tumor density. The results are then delivered to ISENET's Galileo CK4600, which punches the tumor at the exact location with the highest tumor density and places it in the desired destination.

This innovative partnership promises to revolutionize the way laboratory automation is done, combining innovative computer-assisted pathology AI with an easy-to-use digital image ecosystem. The data generated from the TCAP AI in the sample receipt process creates new opportunities for downstream innovation and automation in pathology and molecular testing services.

The TCAP quality control applications eliminate the need for sharpies and scraping with razor blades, a process that has been in use for over 100 years. Jon Wetzel, COO of TriMetis, said, "I did that job in the 1990s and am excited that after 30 years, we are bringing a real solution to this processing bottleneck."

Phil Cestaro, Chief Executive Officer of TriMetis, said, "We are excited to work with ISENET to jointly provide the next generation of laboratory automation. The ARCH Ecosystem and TCAP AI provide the basis for a new level of utility and automation while creating increased access to quality biospecimens, better decisions, and higher throughput."

TriMetis and ISENET are changing the game, doing more faster, with less handling and increased accuracy.

Written By: Kaitlynn Clement